Meditation Series Starts Tomorrow!

What a great way to start a Monday and have a great morning– Oprah & Deepak Chopra have a new, free 21-day meditation experience beginning tomorrow, August 11th, 2014. It’s called Expanding Your Happiness. Don’t you just love that? I’m so excited.

It runs through to the end of the month, and I love that this is a great tool to get connected and ready to be at my best- just in time for September 01, 2014 when I start working on my 16-month goals.

As previously mentioned, I’m looking forward to participating, and I’m just posting this little reminder in case you’d like to join in:

Guided Meditations


{this little beauty arrived in my inbox when I registered}

If you’re nervous (or just curious), here’s a good beginner’s resource:

For the record, I am totally one of those people who is terrible at relaxing… I need this more than most people probably. It doesn’t come easy to me, but I’m doing it anyway. Life happens outside your comfort zone!

Here’s to being calm and connected and to Expanding Happiness!